“Localization and Activity Classification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using mmWave FMCW Radars,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal.
Prabhat Kumar Rai, Henning Idsøe, Rajesh Reddy Yakkati, Abhinav Kumar, Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan, Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy and Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi, “”Localization and Activity Classification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using mmWave FMCW Radars,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal. “
Keywords:Radar,Radar antennas,Estimation,Antenna measurements,Drones,Chirp,Radar measurements
Abstract:In this article, we present a novel localization and activity classification method for aerial vehicle using mmWave frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) Radar. The localization and activity classification for aerial vehicle enables the utilization of mmWave Radars in security surveillance and privacy monitoring applications. In the proposed method, Radar’s antennas are oriented vertically to measure the elevation angle of arrival of the aerial vehicle from ground station. The height of the aerial vehicle and horizontal distance of the aerial vehicle from Radar station on ground are estimated using the measured radial range and the elevation angle of arrival. The aerial vehicle’s activity is classified using machine learning methods on micro-Doppler signatures extracted from Radar measurements taken in an outdoor environment. To evaluate performance, various light weight classification models such as logistic regression, support vector machine (SVM), Light gradient boosting machine (GBM), and a custom lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) are investigated. Based on the results, the logistic regression, SVM, and Light GBM achieve an accuracy of 93%. Furthermore, the custom lightweight CNN can achieve activity classification accuracy of 95%. The performance of the proposed lightweight CNN is also compared with the pre-trained models (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, ResNet101, and InceptionResNet). The proposed lightweight CNN suits best for embedded and/or edge computing devices.
More details:DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3075909